Rock Star, Chef and Family man.

This site is a tribute to Ian (Mo), who was born in Sheffield on February 24, 1953. He was a rock star, music was his greatest passion.

He sang in a band when he was young and again when on the cape as a guest of Big Jazz. He listened to music avidly and in later life learned to play the guitar ( thank god) something he had always wanted to do and a passion he has passed on to his grandchildren.

His hair always looked good and his shirts were legends in their own right.

He was an amazing chef extraordinaire, in fact award winning. For those on the cape he was famous for his parcels and the local minister preached of the virtues of his cod and peas at a local service.

Although he was French trained and a master of Spanish cuisine, his family remember him for the simple foods like his secret ingredient coleslaw (remains a secret!)

His Christmas buffets were much anticipated!

His jokes were so bad they were hilarious and tumble weed worthy.

We have so many memories of the stories he told. You had to look around to see other peoples faces to see if he was serious or making things up........ or spot his giveaway cheeky smile!

He was cheeky, fun, generous, very caring, thoughtful and the life and soul of every party (of which there were many!) He hated having his photo taken but always looked amazing.

He could not go anywhere in the world, without someone mistaking him for somebody famous, many different people from Kevin Bacon, Peter Noon, David Bowie, Jim Carey….and many more.

But the most amazing thing about him was his love for those close to him.

When he took you into his inner circle, he loved you unconditionally, passionately and unwaveringly.

He was my soulmate, a proud and loving father, stepfather, grandfather, brother, uncle and son in law.

Daddy to our cat Keith (Richards) who stole his heart.

His friends in America and Spain, he referred to as a second family.

When he made a friend he kept them close, including his ex wife and best mate. He had an amazing circle of friends who meant the world to him.

Most people write a bucket list later in life or at the last minute , but we lived a bucket list from day one.

Living in Spain and America, a life filled with travel, parties, dressing up for murder mysteries.

We visited or experienced every possible festival, event or activity we could cram in and I thank him for the adventure which was our life together.

The world lost one of its brightest lights and he will be missed more than it is possible to express.

Although we grieve, we console ourselves with the thought that he is playing with the greats up there. The musical legends he admired so much.

We love you forever and always. Shine like the Rockstar you are!

Barnardo's was a charity close to his heart and those wishing to honour his memory can donate to Barnardo's through this page.

We invite family and friends to share all your memories, photos, videos and thoughts on this site.

We especially welcome stories and photo's we may never have seen.

Please join us in celebrating his life.

Helen & family.







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